We’re proud to announce that our very own award-winning Quantum League is ready for the full launch and will be available on Steam on the 15th of April.

Some of the amazing features you’ll be able to enjoy are:


Apart from the Rifle Scope, we added true ADS for the Blaster, SMG, Shotgun, and the Laser.

Now, weapons transition between hip fire and ADS, allowing for a better and more complete first-person shooting experience!


Each athlete is equipped with an ability that gives them more personality and makes each match more unique. Your playstyle, the arena and game mode, your teammate picks, everything has to be taken into account when choosing your athlete before a match!


We’ve always had a great variety of maps, like Quantum Arena, Quantum Stadium, and our dear Overpass. But now we’ve gone into all-new environments, our highlights are Museum, a 2v2 domination map that shows off a natural history exhibit with a twist… GUNS. On the other hand, we’re introducing a new map called Nordic, a 1v1 and 2v2 map that not only introduces a new aesthetic to the game but also provides a space for strategic gameplay in Point Capture. 

Reaching this amazing milestone in spite of the pandemic and working from home is already a win in our books. We give a big thanks to our community for their continued support and to our team whose dedication and passion got us here. 

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